Richard Gunn 05/2015
Interview par/by
Pour/for Dark Angel Hypnoweb et/and Dark Angel Network

Interview FR
Q= Comment êtes vous entrez dans ce business? Avez-vous toujours voulu être un acteur?
A= J'étais un enfant assez timide - à 16 ans je voulais travailler là-dessus - mon conseiller d'orientation au lycée m'a suggéré de prendre soit des cours de prise de parole ou d'art dramatique. Les cours d'art dramatique semblaient beaucoup plus intéressants. Je me suis inscrit et ai été surpris de découvrir à quel point j'aimais ça. A cette époque, je ne savais pas que je finirais par faire carrière grâce à ça. Mais j'ai persisté et me voilà...
Q= Avez-vous déjà regardé DA? Si oui, que pensez-vous de la série globalement?
A= J'ai regardé Dark Angel. Je regarde toujours les séries et les films auxquels je participe (je sais que de nombreux acteurs ne le font pas). Franchement, je l'ai aimé. Je pense que les performances des acteurs étaient bonnes, l'écriture était excellente - je suis un fan de Sciences Fiction/Fantastique depuis longtemps. Ce fut ma première série télévisée et ça a été extrêmement éducatif de pouvoir y participer et découvrir comment évolue un script jusqu'au produit fini.
Q= Pensez-vous être comme votre personnage? Quelles sont les similitudes et les différences entre vous et Sketchy?
A= Sketchy a beaucoup plus en commun avec moi étant plus jeune - cela fait un bon moment que nous avons filmé la série - et j'ai grandi.
Je n'ai jamais eu le talent naturel de Sketchy pour m'attirer des ennuis, bien que l'espièglerie soit, je pense, quelque chose que nous avons partagé. La principale différence était que Sketchy était juste un peu plus... eh bien... Sketchy.
Q= Quels souvenirs du tournage de DA gardez-vous? Quelle est votre meilleur/pire souvenir? Et quelle était l'ambiance sur le plateau?
A= Je garde d'excellents souvenirs de la série. Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le co-créateur de la série Charles (Chic) Eglee notamment. Il est extrêmement originale, un gars créatif, et un excellent showrunner et scénariste. Très à l'écoute des acteurs leurs rythmes et particularités.
Le plateau était généralement un endroit amusant avec beaucoup de vibrations positives. Tout le monde a travaillé dur et a pris plaisir à le faire. Concernant le casting, nous sommes tous devenu proche presque immédiatement.
Q= Travailler avec J.Cameron, J.Alba, J.Ackles & M.Weatherly, ça fait quoi? Etes-vous rester en contact avec des personnes du casting?
A= C'était très agréable de travailler avec eux tous. Je suis particulièrement ravi d'avoir travaillé sous la direction de James Cameron dans le finale de la saison 2. Cet homme est une légende du cinéma pour une bonne raison et je suis un fan de longue date de ses films. Travailler avec lui était un plaisir - il sait ce qu'il veut et vous savez que ce qu'il veut va être excellent...
Je suis resté en contact avec quelques-uns des membres de la distribution au cours des années. JC MacKenzie (Normal) est l'un de mes meilleurs amis. Jennifer Blanc et moi sommes restés en contact et nous avons récemment travaillé ensemble.
Q= Que pensez-vous du fait que les fans de DA sont toujours actifs, même 13 ans après l'annulation de la série?
A= Je pense que ça reflète le succès de la série et confirme que l'annulation était prématurée. Dark Angel avait un énorme potentiel inexploité et une base énorme de fans fidèles. Que demander de plus à une série?
Q= Quand avez-vous appris que la série a été annulée? Quelle a été votre réaction?
A= Je crois que je suis sorti dîner avec Jessica [Alba] et Michael [Weatherly] quand nous avons entendu la nouvelle. J'ai été très surpris (tout le monde avait dit que la saison 3 était quelque chose de quasi sûre) et déçu, bien sûr. J'ai aimé faire partie de la série et me réjouissais déjà pour la troisième saison. D'un autre côté, avec une série à succès sur mon CV, j'étais excité de toutes les grandes opportunités à venir.
Q= Vous êtes l'un des personnages principaux, aviez-vous des informations à propos de la saison 3?
A= Tous les signes indiquaient le feu vert pour la saison 3. Je soupçonne qu'il y a dû avoir une décision de dernière minute qui a changé les choses. Je ne connaîtrais sans doute jamais la vraie raison...
Q= Pensez-vous que DA a une chance de revenir un jour? Si un film voyait le jour aimeriez-vous faire partie de celui-ci?
A= Je pense qu'il est peu probable que Dark Angel (la série) revienne à ce stade - pas avec la distribution originale en tout cas. Peut-être avec une prémisse totalement différente. Tout le monde est plus âgé et a différents stades de la vie et de carrière, tout cela doit être pris en compte. Je ne dis pas que ça ne serait pas une série intéressante et cool, mais ce n'est peut-être pas ce que les fans attendent.
Un film DA? Pourquoi pas? Je serais ravi de voir comment Sketchy se révèle ... les possibilités sont infinies avec ce gars-là...
Q= Que faites-vous en ce moment? Dites-nous quels sont vos futurs projets?
A= J'ai été très occupé ces derniers temps...
Actuellement à Toronto, je travaille à nouveau avec Charles (Chic) Eglee cette fois sur la troisième saison de la série originale Netflix "Hemlock Grove". Chic est le showrunner et producteur exécutif et m'a écrit un rôle très cool, pour les détails je suis obligé de garder le secret pour le moment. JC MacKenzie (Normal) fait également partie de la série.
Cet été, je commence le tournage d'un thriller psychologique "Lower Bay" avec Rose McGowan, Christopher Lloyd et Michael Eklund. Ecrit et réalisé par Jenna Mattison ("The Third Wish", "For the Love of Money") et produite par Michele Weisler ("The Ring", "Trouble with the Curve").
J'ai également récemment terminé la troisième saison de la série câblé "Granite Flats" (Netflix et BYUtv) en tant que chef de la police John Sanders aux côtés de Christopher Lloyd et Parker Posey.
Merci pour votre temps et votre gentillesse!
RG: Avec plaisir.
Interview ENG
Q= How did you enter the business? Have you always wanted to be an actor?
A= I was a pretty shy kid – at 16 I wanted to work through it – my high school guidance counselor suggested I take either Speech or Drama class. Drama seemed much more interesting. I signed up and was surprised to find out how much I loved it. At that time I didn’t know I’d actually end up making a career out of it. But I persisted and here I am…
Q= Did you watch DA? If so, what are your global thoughts on the show?
A= I did watch Dark Angel. I always watch shows and films that I’m in (I know many actors don’t). Frankly, I liked it. I thought the performances were strong, the writing was excellent – I’m a long time fan of Sci Fi/Fantasy. This was my first TV series and it was hugely educational to witness and experience how it evolved from script to the finished product.
Q= Do you think you're like your character? What are the similarities and differences between you and Sketchy?
A= Sketchy had a lot more in common with the younger me – it’s been quite a while since we filmed the show – and I’ve grown up.
Sketchy’s uncanny knack for finding trouble was something I never had, although an innocent roguishness is something I think we shared. The main difference being that Sketchy was just a bit more … well… sketchy.
Q= What memories of filming DA do you keep? What is your best/worst memory? And what was the atmosphere on set?
A= I have very fond memories of the show. Working closely with the show co-creator Charles (Chic) Eglee stands out. He’s an extremely original, creative guy, and an awesome show-runner and writer. Very well attuned to actors rhythms and idiosyncrasies.
The set was generally a fun place to be with plenty of positive vibes. Everyone worked hard and had a great time doing it. The cast became pretty tight with each other almost right away.
Q= Working with J.Cameron, J.Alba, J.Ackles & M.Weatherly, what is it like? Did you keep in touch with anyone from the DA cast?
A= They were all great to work with. I was particularly thrilled to be directed by James Cameron in the Season 2 Finale. The man is a cinematic legend for good reason and I'm a long time fan of his films. Working with him was a pleasure - he knows what he wants and you know whatever he wants is going to be excellent...
I’ve stayed in touch with a few of the cast members over the years. JC MacKenzie (Normal) is one of my very best friends. Jennifer Blanc and I have kept in touch and recently worked together.
Q= What do you think of the fact that DA fans are still active even 13 years after the show's cancellation?
A= I think it speaks to the show’s success and verifies that the cancellation was premature. Dark Angel had huge untapped potential and a massive loyal fan base. What more could a show ask for?
Q= When did you learn that the series was cancelled? What was your reaction?
A= I believe I was out to dinner with Jessica and Michael when we heard the news. I was very surprised (everyone had been saying season 3 was pretty much a sure thing) and disappointed, of course. I loved doing the show and was looking forward to a third season. On the other hand, with a hit series on my resume, I was excited about all the great opportunities to come.
Q= You're one of the main characters, did you had any info about season 3?
A= All indications were pointing to Season 3 being a go. I suspect there was a last minute decision that changed things up. I doubt I'll ever know the real reason…
Q= Do you think DA has a chance to comeback one day? If a movie was made would you like to be part of it?
A= I think it’s unlikely that Dark Angel (the series) would come back at this point – not with the original cast anyway. It would have to be an entirely different premise. Everyone is older and at different stages of life and career, so all of that would have to be accounted for. Not to say that wouldn’t make an interesting and cool show but it might not be what the fans are expecting.
A DA movie? Why not? I’d love to see how Sketchy turns out… the possibilities are endless with that guy...
Q= What are you doing at the moment? Tell us what are your future projects?
A= Things have been pretty busy lately…
I’m currently in Toronto working once again with Charles (Chic) Eglee this time on the third season of the Netflix original series “Hemlock Grove”. Chic is the show runner and executive producer and has written me a very cool role in it, the details of which I'm obliged to keep under wraps for now. JC MacKenzie (Normal) is also in the show.
This summer I begin shooting a psychological thriller "Lower Bay" opposite Rose McGowan, Christopher Lloyd, and Michael Eklund. Written and directed by Jenna Mattison ('The Third Wish', 'For the Love of Money') and produced by Michele Weisler ('The Ring' movies, 'Trouble with the Curve').
I’ve also recently wrapped the third season of the cable series “Granite Flats” (Netflix and BYUtv) starring as Chief of Police John Sanders alongside Christopher Lloyd and Parker Posey.
Thanks for your time, you're really kind!
RG: My pleasure.
A= I was a pretty shy kid – at 16 I wanted to work through it – my high school guidance counselor suggested I take either Speech or Drama class. Drama seemed much more interesting. I signed up and was surprised to find out how much I loved it. At that time I didn’t know I’d actually end up making a career out of it. But I persisted and here I am…
Q= Did you watch DA? If so, what are your global thoughts on the show?
A= I did watch Dark Angel. I always watch shows and films that I’m in (I know many actors don’t). Frankly, I liked it. I thought the performances were strong, the writing was excellent – I’m a long time fan of Sci Fi/Fantasy. This was my first TV series and it was hugely educational to witness and experience how it evolved from script to the finished product.
Q= Do you think you're like your character? What are the similarities and differences between you and Sketchy?
A= Sketchy had a lot more in common with the younger me – it’s been quite a while since we filmed the show – and I’ve grown up.
Sketchy’s uncanny knack for finding trouble was something I never had, although an innocent roguishness is something I think we shared. The main difference being that Sketchy was just a bit more … well… sketchy.
Q= What memories of filming DA do you keep? What is your best/worst memory? And what was the atmosphere on set?
A= I have very fond memories of the show. Working closely with the show co-creator Charles (Chic) Eglee stands out. He’s an extremely original, creative guy, and an awesome show-runner and writer. Very well attuned to actors rhythms and idiosyncrasies.
The set was generally a fun place to be with plenty of positive vibes. Everyone worked hard and had a great time doing it. The cast became pretty tight with each other almost right away.
Q= Working with J.Cameron, J.Alba, J.Ackles & M.Weatherly, what is it like? Did you keep in touch with anyone from the DA cast?
A= They were all great to work with. I was particularly thrilled to be directed by James Cameron in the Season 2 Finale. The man is a cinematic legend for good reason and I'm a long time fan of his films. Working with him was a pleasure - he knows what he wants and you know whatever he wants is going to be excellent...
I’ve stayed in touch with a few of the cast members over the years. JC MacKenzie (Normal) is one of my very best friends. Jennifer Blanc and I have kept in touch and recently worked together.
Q= What do you think of the fact that DA fans are still active even 13 years after the show's cancellation?
A= I think it speaks to the show’s success and verifies that the cancellation was premature. Dark Angel had huge untapped potential and a massive loyal fan base. What more could a show ask for?
Q= When did you learn that the series was cancelled? What was your reaction?
A= I believe I was out to dinner with Jessica and Michael when we heard the news. I was very surprised (everyone had been saying season 3 was pretty much a sure thing) and disappointed, of course. I loved doing the show and was looking forward to a third season. On the other hand, with a hit series on my resume, I was excited about all the great opportunities to come.
Q= You're one of the main characters, did you had any info about season 3?
A= All indications were pointing to Season 3 being a go. I suspect there was a last minute decision that changed things up. I doubt I'll ever know the real reason…
Q= Do you think DA has a chance to comeback one day? If a movie was made would you like to be part of it?
A= I think it’s unlikely that Dark Angel (the series) would come back at this point – not with the original cast anyway. It would have to be an entirely different premise. Everyone is older and at different stages of life and career, so all of that would have to be accounted for. Not to say that wouldn’t make an interesting and cool show but it might not be what the fans are expecting.
A DA movie? Why not? I’d love to see how Sketchy turns out… the possibilities are endless with that guy...
Q= What are you doing at the moment? Tell us what are your future projects?
A= Things have been pretty busy lately…
I’m currently in Toronto working once again with Charles (Chic) Eglee this time on the third season of the Netflix original series “Hemlock Grove”. Chic is the show runner and executive producer and has written me a very cool role in it, the details of which I'm obliged to keep under wraps for now. JC MacKenzie (Normal) is also in the show.
This summer I begin shooting a psychological thriller "Lower Bay" opposite Rose McGowan, Christopher Lloyd, and Michael Eklund. Written and directed by Jenna Mattison ('The Third Wish', 'For the Love of Money') and produced by Michele Weisler ('The Ring' movies, 'Trouble with the Curve').
I’ve also recently wrapped the third season of the cable series “Granite Flats” (Netflix and BYUtv) starring as Chief of Police John Sanders alongside Christopher Lloyd and Parker Posey.
Thanks for your time, you're really kind!
RG: My pleasure.